3-Tip Tuesday's: Niche Slap, Clevirty, Get Emotional
Sent by Corey Hiben
March 15, 2022
1. “Don’t make me niche slap you”
“Do I need a niche?”
”Does it help?”
Absolutely, 100%, no question.
”What niche should I chose?”
You are always best positioned to serve the person you once were.
Start by serving them… it’s going to evolve anyways.
2. Clevirty
Should your marketing be clear or clever?
Why not both?
This isn’t The Matrix… the “real” world rarely has binaries.
When creating content consider the E&E.
3. Get Emotional
Want your marketing content to be memorable?
Here’s the formula.
Information + emotion = long term memory.
If you can create something that gets people to FEEL something… they are far more likely to remember it.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle
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