3-Tip Tuesdays: Problems, Text & Titles
Sent by Corey Hiben
June 14, 2022
Everything in this world starts with words.
Words have the power to open doors to new opportunities.
Words have the power to build and destroy empires.
Avoid these 3 writing mistakes. 👇
1. Problems
You’re trying to solve multiple problems at once.
If you try to solve more than one problem at a time people become overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed customers don’t buy.
Focus on helping your clients solve ONE problem at a time.
2. Text
You’re using too much text.
Let’s be honest, most people skim text.
These emails take all of 1-minute to read and I bet you’re still skimming.
Less text is better.
Always ask “how can I say this in fewer words?”
3. Titles
Your titles aren’t catchy.
I bet you pick your blog posts, podcast episodes, and YouTube videos based on how catchy the title is.
Don’t trick people, but do make them excited to find out more.
When in doubt, be clear, not clever.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle
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