3-Tip Tuesdays: Written, Video & Audio
Sent by Corey Hiben
June 21, 2022
Content builds relationships.
Relationships are built on trust.
Trust drives revenue.
Content is king.
You have 3 options, let me help you pick one.
1. Written
Lowest barrier of entry.
Difficult to repurpose into other forms of content.
Less stressful and time-consuming than producing audio or video.
It will boost search results to your website (SEO).
Your options are - newsletters, blogs, social media and article sites.
2. Audio
Medium barrier of entry.
Easy for people to listen to on the move.
It’s intimate.
Very difficult to grow an audience due to no SEO for audio.
Your options are - podcasting platforms.
3. Video
Medium barrier of entry.
Very time consuming to create high quality content.
Maximum repurpose capabilities.
Humans are visual creatures.
Your options are - YouTube, social media or courses.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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