3-Tip Tuesdays: Layups, Free Throws, & 3-Pointers
Sent by Corey Hiben
July 5, 2022
I have minimal basketball skills 🏀.
But it makes for a great analogy for marketing.
Let me explain.
1. Layups
Referrals are the layups of your marketing strategy.
They don’t come by often but when they do, we love it.
They are easy.
Just make sure you show your appreciation.
If someone gives you a referral don’t waste the opportunity with a boring “thank you.”
Send them a gift, give them a review, or buy them some coffee ☕.
Anything to show that you appreciate it (because you do).
2. Free Throws
Networking is the free throws of your marketing strategy.
It takes practice and consistency, but eventually, you’ll drain a few.
The more time you spend on the line, the better your percentage will get.
Don’t go to every networking event.
Pick the few that excite you.
If it doesn’t exist, do what entrepreneurs do best.
Create your own 🎉.
3. 3-Pointers
Lead funnels are the 3-pointers of your marketing strategy.
They are hard to cash, but when you do, the extra points are worth it.
There are entire books on creating lead funnels but let me give you a very basic one.
- Awareness - they see your social media post.
- Interest - they go to your website.
- Desire - they download your freebie.
- Nurture - you send them valuable information.
- Action - they buy your product or service.
If you’re not much of a 3-point shooter yourself, you can always hire one! 😉
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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