3-Tip Tuesdays: Hook, Story, & Offer
Sent by Corey Hiben
September 13, 2022
Every piece of GOOD marketing has these 3 parts.
1. Hook
Next time you’re sitting on the toilet scrolling your phone, pay attention to what hooks your attention.
Why did you stop?
Was it the title?
Was it the image?
Was it the video?
What did it make you FEEL?
The better your hook, the more attention you’ll receive.
2. Story
If you hook them, now you now have a small window to tell a story.
Stories create relationships.
Stories are how we connect with a brand.
Stories create desire.
Tell the stories that connect with your audience.
The more authentic your story is, the more likely they are to feel a connection.
3. Offer
If you’ve done a good job with your hook and your story, you now have an opportunity to offer something.
An offer does not mean a pitch to buy something.
It can be as simple as “comment below” or “like this post if you agree”
If no one is taking you up on your offer, it’s for one of three reasons.
- Your hook isn’t catchy.
- Your story doesn’t resonate.
- Your offer is weak.
Catchy HOOKS, authentic STORIES and great OFFERS = more customers.
Next week you’ll learn how to get your message in front of your dream customers.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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