3 Tip Tuesday's: 3 MORE underrated marketing lessons from the Italians
Sent by Corey Hiben
October 3, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Helping Healthcare & Fitness Professionals Attract Leads”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 16 seconds.
3 MORE underrated marketing lessons from the Italians.
That are entirely FREE.
1. Free Isn’t Free
“Never give your services away for free!”
I disagree.
Our boat tour dropped us off in Amalfi, Italy.
There was one shop that stood out.
It was a chocolate shop.
And they gave away a TON of free samples.
Guess what happened?
Half of our group bought chocolates.
The moral of the story?
Humans are addicted to chocolate.
Just kidding.
But in all seriousness… it is human nature to repay our debts.
Free often leads to paid.
2. ToM
Most people have no idea what you do.
Which is your fault, not theirs.
Everything in Italy was on display.
- Pizza
- Pasta
- Bread
- Cannoli’s
- Scooters
- Sex (not joking)
Literally, everything was put on display.
Which was a good reminder of human nature.
If you want someone to buy your product or service.
You have to stay top of mind (ToM).
Ways to stay ToM:
- Host events
- Email newsletters
- Social media content
- Direct messages
Marketing isn’t about getting the sale.
It’s about being the best option when they are ready.
3. Listening
You rarely notice good service.
But you definitely notice great service.
I went to two weddings in two weeks.
One had a good DJ.
The other had a great DJ.
One struggled to keep the dance party going.
The other kept the party raging.
The difference?
The DJ that crushed it knew his crowd.
He knew what they wanted to hear.
He listened to the people.
In my humble opinion.
This is essential to great marketing.
- Listening to your clients.
- Listening to your audience.
- Listening to your customers.
What do THEY want to see and hear?
Take home point…
- Free often leads to paid.
- Always stay Top of Mind (TOM).
- Listen to your audience.
My interview with Joe Phair inspired this email.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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