3 Tip Tuesday's: 3 places to find more leads.
Sent by Corey Hiben
January 23, 2024
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Marketing Tips for Health & Fitness Brands”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 47 seconds.
The #1 problem I hear.
“How do I get more leads?”
Here are 3 places.
1. Local
You live in a community.
But are you involved in the community?
The Well opened a new restaurant near my place.
They serve clean ingredients from local farmers.
As we were having dinner I noticed that the man standing at the bar was clearly an important figure in this company.
I shook his hand and asked him a few questions about the business.
Not shockingly, he was a super nice guy.
We even got a free dessert out of the deal.
The moral of the story?
Don’t be a bystander in your community.
Get involved.
- Your local gym
- Your local chiropractor
- Your local farmers market
Put out good vibes.
And good vibes come back.
We have opportunities to meet people every single day.
Don’t miss the easy ones.
2. Online
No matter how weird you think you are.
You’re not as weird as this.
Here are some niche online communities that exist:
- Fantasy Feeder - a fat positive community.
- Furries - People who dress up like animals.
- Bronies - Grown men who love My Little Pony.
My personal favorite?
People who love peanut butter and mustard on toast.
Full disclosure, I tried it.
It didn’t suck.
But, here’s my point
No matter what you’re into.
There is a group for you on the internet.
The trick is to pick one and get involved.
- Not to spam.
- Not to promote.
- Not to sell anything.
But to join the conversation that already exists.
Online communities are just like in-person communities.
Nobody wants your business card.
They want to get to know you first.
Find your community and say hello
3. Events
Going to events is overwhelming.
Here’s how to manage it.
Make ONE connection.
I host a Meetup community.
As the host, I try to say “hi” to everyone.
But if I’m being honest, I only ever expect to truly connect with one person.
- I will learn a lot of names.
- I will shake a lot of hands.
- I will give a lot of head nods.
But I simply can’t connect with everyone.
Nobody can.
So here’s my point.
The issue isn’t the event.
The issue if your lack of intention.
Go to events.
But manage your expectations.
Take home point…
- Find leads in your local community.
- Find leads in online communities.
- Find leads at events.
If 3-Tip Tuesdays have been of ANY value to you, I have one small favor to ask.
Could you take 2 minutes to complete a quick survey with a few questions about your business challenges?
I would be forever grateful.
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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