3 Tip Tuesday's: Are you marketing to the right market?
Sent by Corey Hiben
September 5, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Helping Healthcare & Fitness Professionals Attract Leads”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 19 seconds.
Part of MARKET-ing is knowing your market.
Don't skip these 3 things.
1. Needs
Sell needs.
Not wants.
I enjoy watching people's dogs.
But sometimes, people's dogs suck.
Sort of like the one I'm watching now.
Whenever I go into the bedroom to sleep.
She'll bark for almost an hour.
I value my sleep a lot.
So you know what I'd happily pay for?
Someone to shut this dog up.
Or someone to teach me how to shut this dog up.
Sleeping isn't a want.
It's a need.
Are you selling wants or needs?
2. Targeting
Do you have a marketing problem?
Or a targeting problem?
I love going to the farmer's market.
Because they understand targeting.
I go to the farmer's market because I value health.
- I want my meat grass-fed
- I want my bread sourdough-ed
- I want my fruit organic
- I want my honey local
- I want my milk raw
Take those same items to a Walmart.
Nobody would buy it.
Wrong market.
The best marketing in the world is useless.
If it’s in front of the wrong person.
Are you in front of the right people?
3. Growth
Are you in a growing market?
Or a dying market?
Growing up in Minnesota.
I’ve always loved (hated) a good cold plunge.
Jumping in a frozen lake wasn’t exactly out of the norm.
But now that I live in Texas.
Where 100° is the norm.
It’s been fun to watch the cold plunge explosion.
Every gym is getting a cold tub.
They recognize a marketing truth.
Marketing is easy when you have a starving crowd.
What does your market want?
Take home point…
- Sell needs, not wants.
- Know your target market.
- Marketing is easy with a starving crowd.
My interview with Charles Clay inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn how to determine your niche.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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