3 Tip Tuesday's: Less chuggers and more givers
Sent by Corey Hiben
July 25, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Better marketing in less time”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 50 seconds.
I guarantee you’ve delt with a chugger.
But what are they?
1. Chuggers
I was on a walk in South Austin.
Only to get attacked by a chugger.
What’s a chugger you ask?
A charity mugger.
I’ll leave out which charity exactly.
But let’s say they talk a lot about planning and parents.
They’re doing their marketing all wrong.
It’s not approachable.
If anything, it’s aggressive.
People (these days especially) are like cats.
You have to let them come to you.
Instead of leading with an ask.
They should lead with a give.
Coffee, games, music, catnip, useful information.
Really, anything.
Entice them to come to you.
2. The Sample
Costco are master marketers.
They don’t skip this step.
They GIVE before they get.
This is why they give you a sample.
They understand a fundamental truth about humans.
We want to give back to those that give to us first.
But samples don’t have to come in the form of food.
- A consulting call
- A introductory video
- A mini course
- A free trial
Show them how you can solve their problem.
They only need a taste to decide.
3. Premium
If you don’t have a premium offer.
You’re missing out on a huge opportunity.
I do a lot of house sitting these days.
I use a service called Trusted House Sitters.
They have a basic, standard, and premium offer.
Most people buy the middle offer.
For no other reason other than because it’s the middle.
We will almost always buy the “middle of the road” option.
It makes us feel safe.
Have a premium offer…Expect to sell the offer below it.
Take home point…
- People are like cats, give them a reason to come to you.
- Let people sample you before buying.
- Always have a premium offer.
My interview with Ross McLauchlan inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn how this Midwest boy became obsessed with community building.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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