3 Tip Tuesday's: The BEST marketing advice from 100+ entrepreneurs
Sent by Corey Hiben
November 21, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Helping Healthcare & Fitness Professionals Attract Leads”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 39 seconds.
I asked 100+ health and fitness entrepreneurs for their best marketing advice.
Here are the results.
1. Own your voice
It’s really hard to be the best.
You know what’s easier?
Be the only.
I learned this from my fellow podcaster JLD.
He has a podcast show called Entrepreneurs on Fire.
When he started his show, he knew that he needed a differentiator.
So, he decided to post an episode every single day.
He’s at 4,141 episodes last time I checked.
My point?
You need a differentiator.
The easiest way to do this is to own your voice.
Also known as… be authentic.
I know, I know, it’s trite to hear.
But before you start throwing weights at me, listen.
You’ve heard it a million times because it’s true.
When I ask people for their best marketing advice, it’s one of the most common answers.
“Be authentic.”
Only you can be you.
You are the differentiator.
2. ABT
Creating content is an emotional rollercoaster.
With the occasional corkscrew.
I’ve been creating a lot more content lately.
In an attempt to grow my audience.
- Some posts get 100’s of likes.
- Some posts get 0 likes.
- Some posts get spammed by haters.
Thousands of posts later, and I still feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.
The funny part is that after talking to hundreds of fellow business owners.
Neither do they.
Marketing is an infinite game of trial and error.
Great advice I received from my buddy Matt Choi.
Who is an incredible marketer and content creator.
ABT = Always Be Testing.
3. Tell People
If people don’t know what you do.
That’s your fault, not theirs.
As someone who does marketing for a living.
I’m quite active with my marketing.
- Writing a newsletter.
- Posting on social media.
- Hosting a podcast show.
- Building a networking community.
But here’s the sad part.
I still get asked what I do for a living.
And rightfully so!
I don’t talk about it a lot.
I offer consulting and build websites for health & fitness entrepreneurs.
Here’s my point.
Tell people what you do.
Not just once but again and again.
People have terrible memories.
Take home point…
- YOU are your differentiator.
- Create -> learn -> create some more.
- Keep showing up.
If you forward this email to one person, I’ll send you my favorite sticker.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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