3 Tip Tuesday's: The only 3 marketing lessons you’ll ever need
Sent by Corey Hiben
July 18, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Better marketing in less time”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 38 seconds.
The only 3 marketing lessons you’ll ever need.
1. Audience
90% of marketing.
Is knowing who you’re talking to.
I visited Ryan Holiday's bookstore last week.
I felt like I was in paradise.
All the books on the shelf spoke to me.
I’ve read a lot of them.
The ones I hadn’t read.
I was dying to read.
Because he knows who he’s talking to.
He knows who is visiting his store.
It’s well… essentially himself.
Or people like him.
The best person to market to is the person you once were.
You already have their road map.
2. Norms
Gyms have norms.
And so do content platforms.
Gym Norms:
- LA Fitness… “I’m here to get in and get out.”
- Golds Gym… “Only bad assess workout here.”
- Lifetime… “If it’s for my health, I’m willing to invest.”
- Planet Fitness… “Nobody here actually cares about fitness.”
Content Platform Norms:
- Instagram… “Fitness and food.”
- Facebook… “I’m a boomer fo-sho.”
- LinkedIn… “This better be about business.”
- TikTok… “Dance for me monkey.”
- Podcasts… “Educate and entertain me.”
- Blog… “Give me the answer to my question.”
- YouTube… “DIY.”
Choose your content platform wisely.
3. Lists
The more business owners I talk to.
The more I realize this simple fact.
Social media is for attention.
Email lists are for connection.
I love creating content on social media.
But I never rely on it for business.
The real business happens in my lists.
Create content.
But always have a way to direct them to your personal list.
Take home point…
- Market to the person you once were.
- Choose your content platform wisely.
- Business happens in your email list.
My interview with Brendon Fellows inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn about a local healthy wine company.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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