3 Tip Tuesday's: Underrated marketing lessons from Italy
Sent by Corey Hiben
September 26, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Helping Healthcare & Fitness Professionals Attract Leads”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 19 seconds.
3 underrated marketing lessons from Italy.
That is entirely FREE.
1. Reviews
I just spent 3 days in Rome, Italy.
Like any good fitness buff, I found myself some za.
We decided on a place called Pizza Zizza.
Because it had 3,115 reviews with a 4.7 rating.
Clearly… a no-brainer.
It was the best pizza that has ever hit my lips.
So I gave them a 5-star review.
The moral of the story?
Take your reviews seriously.
It’s free marketing, and it works.

2. Photos
There are few guarantees in life.
But I can guarantee you this.
You make snap judgments based on visuals.
I was scolded at the Basilica for showing my boulder shoulders.
So they gave me a blue sheet to cover them (photo).
I get it. It’s a sacred place.
It’s important to be respectful.
But it reminded me of an essential truth about human nature.
We all judge.
Heavily based on appearance.
- What does your attire say about you?
- What does your website say about you?
- What does your social media say about you?
The easiest way to uplevel your marketing is to uplevel your appearance.

3. Tagging
Don’t just scroll social media.
Play tag.
I went on a run on the Amalfi Coast.
I posted it on Instagram and tagged the location.
Afterward, I noticed a huge increase in views.
It was other people looking up the Amalfi Coast.
People I’ve never met, looking at my page.
- Tag the restaurants you eat at
- Tag the location of your activity
- Tag the people you spend time with
It’s an easy way to expand your reach.
And it’s totally free.

Take home point…
- Ask your clients for reviews.
- Take better photos.
- Tag more people and places.
My interview with Justin Lovato inspired this email.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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