3 Tip Tuesday's: World class networking
Sent by Corey Hiben
February 20, 2024
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Marketing Tips for Health & Fitness Brands”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 31 seconds.
I just spent 4 days with the most networked person I’ve ever met.
Here’s what he taught me about networking.
1. Invites
Everyone wants to be invited.
But nobody wants to do the inviting.
I was in Denver for 4 days.
In those 4 days, I met over 20 new people.
My buddy INVITES people along for the ride.
- Runs
- Workouts
- Contrast therapy
- Dinners
Everything we did was with other people.
People I’d never met.
The lesson?
Be the inviter, not just the invitee.
You’re already doing things.
But doing things with others expands your reach.
2. Take The Call
You’re not too busy.
You’re just wasting your transition periods.
We’d just finished our second workout of the day.
As we crawled back into the car and started heading to our next destination, my buddy pulled out his phone and said, “I gotta take this call.”
We had 15 minutes until our next destination, and he was done with his call by the time we arrived.
The lesson?
If you PLAN every moment of the day.
You’ll never have time to fit it all in.
But life gives you pockets of time.
- In the car
- On a walk
- Eating lunch
- Sitting in a sauna
Everyone has 15 minutes to spare in their day.
Use it wisely.
3. One-A-Day
Networking is like working out.
You have to put in the reps.
I met a lot of new people while visiting my buddy in Denver.
But there is one standout.
He’s an ultra-endurance athlete.
He told me that he outran a Tesla.
242 Miles.
Yep, you read that correctly.
He ran farther than a Tesla can travel on a full battery.
This fella was fascinating.
Added bonus.
It turns out he spends a lot of time in Austin (where I live).
The lesson?
You’re not going to jive with everyone you meet.
And that’s ok.
But it’s not an excuse to stop meeting people.
That would be like not working out anymore because you had one bad workout.
Keep showing up.
You never know who you’ll meet.
Take home point…
- Invite people along for the ride.
- Use your transition times wisely.
- Meet one new person a day.
What are YOUR favorite networking techniques?
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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