3-Tip Tuesdays: 3 MORE pillars of content creation
Sent by Corey Hiben
June 27, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Better marketing in less time”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 15 seconds
Learn to create content that grows your following.
1. Authenticity
If you want to create an army of haters.
Be fake.
In a world bombarded with misleading information and swindlers.
There are few things people hate more than fake.
People can smell inauthentic a mile away.
I used to believe good content was about editing, solid lighting, and a dope audio track.
Now I know that it’s about being your authentic self.
If you want your content to resonate.
Skip the editing and focus on the messaging.
2. Relevance
If you want a quick win on social media.
Ride the wave.
I was recently at Panama City Beach.
So I posted content about PCB.
It was relevant.
Which made it resonate.
Social media is about having a conversation.
It’s about joining the party.
Create content that is relevant to the moment.
Create content that is relevant to your life.
3. Storytelling
Storytelling is your most powerful marketing tool.
But here’s what most people get wrong.
They leave out the darkness.
Everyone wants to tell you how great they are going.
Few will tell you what’s really going on.
On the 100th episode of The Health Hustle podcast.
I opened up about my divorce for the first time.
To my surprise… It was received with kindness and empathy.
It taught me that people connect to our rough edges.
When telling your story.
Don’t skip the “good” stuff.
Take home point…
- Never… ever… ever… be fake.
- Create content that is in the moment.
- People connect to our rough edges.
My interview with James Benefico inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn how this Cali boy went from a career in law enforcement to opening his own gym.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcasts
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