3-Tip Tuesdays: 3 pillars of content creation 3️⃣
Sent by Corey Hiben
June 20, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Better marketing in less time”
Estimated read time: 0 minute & 57 seconds
The three essential pillars of content creation.
1. Relatability
Edit less.
Document more.
I used to spend hours editing content.
Eventually, realizing that most of it is a waste of time.
People don’t care about quality as much as you think.
They care about relatability.
The real-life stuff.
- At the gym
- At the airport
- At the community event
In public… raw and real.
It takes a lot of cajones to hit “record” in public.
But it’s far more relatable.
2. Interaction
Posting content is important.
But it’s only 20% of the equation.
The other 80% is engagement.
Interacting with your audience.
Most people post and ghost.
But you’ll never build a community that way.
If your goal is to grow an audience.
You have to make time for them.
3. Collaboration
If I was to start over as a content creator.
This is what I would do.
More collaborations.
If you want to grow an audience.
You have to play well with others.
- Newsletters
- Podcast shows
- YouTube channels
- Social media pages
They all require collaboration to grow.
Growth happens by looking outward.
Not inward.
Take home point…
- Document in public.
- Don’t post and ghost.
- You have to play well with others.
My interview with Claire Bays inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn this guy built a supplement company.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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