3-Tip Tuesdays: 3 reasons people fail with content
Sent by Corey Hiben
July 4, 2023
3-Tip Tuesday’s
“Better marketing in less time”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 9 seconds
3 reasons people fail with content.
And how to avoid it.
1. Keep Going
It’s so easy to win now.
Because most people quit.
- They quit their blog
- They quit their podcast show
- They quit their YouTube channel
- They quit posting on social media
I’ve quit Facebook multiple times.
Mostly because I hate Facebook.
I see the value in it… but it rips my soul out.
I don’t enjoy it.
So I won’t stick it out for the long haul.
The only way to win at content is to play the long game.
Pick the medium you enjoy.
Ditch the rest.
2. Come From The Heart
If you haven’t lived it.
Don’t talk about it.
I create a lot of content.
Here’s what I’ve learned.
The content that does the worst is when I speak in theory.
The content that does the best is when I speak from experience.
If you want your marketing to resonate.
Speak from the heart.
3. Frameworks
Creating content can be hard.
But it doesn’t have to be.
I struggled with content for a long time.
Until I learned this simple 3-step framework.
- Paint a picture of their problem.
- Talk about your personal experience
- Give a step-by-step advice on how to solve that problem
Follow this framework for your next piece of content.
I bet you’ll notice a difference.
Take home point…
- Pick the medium you can stick to for the long haul.
- Speak from personal experience.
- Use frameworks to create content.
My interview with Rachel Gibler inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn how this guy pivoted from law enforcement to gym owner.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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