3-Tip Tuesdays: Breaking free from the content grind.
Sent by Corey Hiben
January 31, 2023
Does content creation feel like a grind?
Here are 3 simple ideas to help you get off the treadmill.
1. Flow
I recently got back from a cruise to Cozumel.
This meant I had to batch a ton of content before leaving for vacation.
The week before the cruise, I woke up one morning and jumped straight into work.
I hammered out 20 pieces of content in 1-hour.
How did I do it?
I had one goal… 20 pieces of content.
I had a singular task… create content.
I removed friction… I rolled out of bed straight into work.
We do a deep dive on flow on my latest podcast episode.
You can find that here.
But the take-home message is this.
Learning how to tap into flow makes content creation fun and easy.
2. Intention
When your intentions are pure.
You’ll never worry about the content you create.
Here’s the good news.
You only have two options.
To educate or to entertain.
I call it E&E.
Prior to every piece of content you create.
Ask yourself this question.
”What are my intentions for this content?”
If your intention is to educate and/or entertain.
Don’t hesitate… post it.
3. Polarize
Content creation is like dating.
You want to be polarizing.
There is nothing worse than a mediocre date.
It leaves us unsure how to feel.
Polarity creates clarity.
”Yes!” this is for me or “No!” this is not for me.
I’m not saying to be an asshole.
I’m saying, know what you stand for (or against).
The goal of content (and dating) isn’t to attract everyone.
It’s turning on the right people.
And turning off the wrong people.
Take home point…
- Learn how to tap into your flow states.
- Create content with good intentions.
- Be polarizing.
My interview with Cory Camp inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn how a chiropractic got his average visits down to less than 2 visits per patient.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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