3-Tip Tuesdays: carrots, pain, pleasure & dessert
Sent by Corey Hiben
February 21, 2023
3 things we can learn about marketing from a gut health expert.
1. Carrots
I eat a metric ton of carrots.
I love carrots.
They are crunchy, filling, and go great with hummus.
In all my years of obsessive carrot eating.
I’ve noticed that some are better than others.
- Farmer’s market carrots… amazing
- Whole Foods carrots… good.
- Target carrots… terrible.
Bigger business = lower quality.
My point?
As a small business owner.
Your greatest advantage is your personal touch.
- The handwritten note.
- The extra time you spend with a client.
- The engagement on their social media account.
The goal isn’t to “please” everyone.
That’s how you end up like Target.
The goal is to “WOW!” someone.
That’s how you become someone’s favorite carrot.
2. Pain & pleasure
6am - I sit down and work.
7am - I drink coffee.
11am - I workout.
2pm - I eat linner.
Why do I work?
To avoid the pain of being homeless.
Why do I crave coffee?
To experience the pleasure of a warm drink.
Why do I workout?
To avoid the pain of becoming sick & injured.
Why do I eat linner?
To experience the pleasure of renewed energy.
Everything we do is for one of two reasons.
To avoid pain or to gain pleasure.
So this begs the questions.
What pain are you helping your customers avoid?
What pleasure are you providing for your customers?
The more clearly you can articulate this.
The more deeply you’ll resonate with them.
3. Dessert
I had an ex-girlfriend that claimed she had a “dessert stomach.”
She always craved dessert after a meal.
I thought she was insane (in more ways than one).
And then my parents started sending me care packages to Texas.
Cookies, banana bread, granola, etc.
I wouldn’t describe those as “dessert.”
But I’ve been crushing it… and craving more of it.
It got me thinking.
Maybe I do have a “dessert stomach.”
Something that I truly crave.
Maybe we all have a “dessert stomach.”
Something that we truly crave.
How can I provide my customers with their own form of “dessert?”
Something that they would truly crave.
- A fruit basket?
- A wellness box?
- A sulfate free bottle of wine?
Everyone wants to feel special.
How are you helping your customers feel special?
Take home point…
- Don’t serve everyone… serve someone.
- Help people avoid pain and gain pleasure.
- Give your customers “dessert.”
My interview with Lauryn Lax inspired this email.
Next week, you’ll learn how an engineer became an anti-aging expert.
Until next time,
Corey Hiben
Host of The Health Hustle Podcast
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