Email Marketing for Health Brands: From Couch Potato to Marathon Conversions
Sent by Corey Hiben
September 17, 2024

“Marketing Tips for Health Brands”
Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 30 seconds.
Lately, I've been hitting the pavement hard.
No, not literally… I'm talking about pounding the trails, chasing those runner's highs (and sometimes just chasing my breath).
It's become my go-to stress reliever and a time to clear my head.
But it got me thinking... email marketing is a lot like running.
1. Capture
If you don’t have a solid list of email subscribers, no amount of email marketing campaigns will fix the problem.
It’s just a numbers issue.
That’s like wanting to run a 100-mile ultra, but you haven’t even run a 5k yet… good luck.
Every good email marketing strategy starts by having a consistent way to capture emails… aka… a lead magnet.
Here’s how I define a lead magnet, “Anything you do to capture an email address.”
- A quiz
- A local event
- An online course
- A downloadable guide
- An online webinar
- A simple… ASK
There are about as many ways to capture emails as there are types of running shoes. It’s just a matter of finding what’s the best fit for you.
Biased opinion… my favorite way to capture emails is a landing page with a quiz.

2. Nurture
Every athlete knows that the real work doesn’t happen on competition day. It happens in the hundreds of training sessions leading up to it.
Email marketing works the same way.
There is no perfect email or automation sequence that will instantly convert someone from cold to warm and make them buy your product or services.
I started writing The Health Hustle (originally called 3-Tip Tuesdays) in January of 2022. I have only recently felt like all that “training” is paying off.
The GOAL of your email marketing campaigns should be to “train in public.”
- Show people what you know (educate)
- Tell people about the results you’re getting (inspiration)
- Make people laugh and enjoy reading your newsletter (entertain)
The best marketing doesn’t look like marketing.

3. Convert
If you’re putting in the miles (capturing emails) and training like an all-star (nurturing your leads), at some point, you have to cross the finish line (convert those leads).
The first official race I ever ran was the BPN half-marathon. Imagine if I got to the finish line and decided not to cross it.
An ass load of work for no payoff… no thank you.
Luckily, if you’ve done the work mentioned above. 👆 Then, the last step across the finish line should feel natural.
Invite them to the next step.
- Maybe it’s a free visit.
- Maybe it’s an intake form.
- Maybe it’s a consultation call.
Whatever it is, don’t make it weird. If you know damn well that what you have to offer is helpful and valuable to the people that you’re talking to… then the only person you’re doing a disservice to is yourself.
My favorite way to “ask” is to include it at the bottom of the email (see below.) 👇

Take home point…
- Capture emails with a lead magnet.
- Nurture your email list.
- Cross the finish line and present your offer.
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