My Biggest Marketing Mistake as an Occupational Therapist
Sent by Corey Hiben
September 24, 2024

“Marketing Tips for Health Brands”
Estimated read time: 2 minute & 21 seconds.
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Today's newsletter is about the biggest marketing mistake I made as an occupational therapist.
Spray and Pray
While working as an occupational therapist, I was responsible for obtaining my own patients (sales and marketing, here we go!).
This was both liberating and terrifying.
It was liberating because I could market to whoever I wanted to. Terrifying because well... I didn't have a fucking clue what I was doing.
So... I did everything:
- Handwritten cards
- Google reviews
- Gift baskets
- Conferences
- Local networking
I even went as far as "sneaking" into doctors' offices to "drop by and say hello." It was always a bit awkward, but hey, I got to show face.
None of it worked (shocker, I know).
Not because they weren't all AMAZING marketing ideas… hell, I came up with them; they must be amazing?!
No no no… they didn’t work because I was scattered and inconsistent.
Which is odd because if you know me… I’m literally THE GUY people go to when planning and organizing trips.

Rock Climbing
Then one day, I noticed another therapist I was working with had a flood of new patients.
He was a newer OT, but he was kicking my ass in the marketing game.
“How could this be?!” I thought to myself.
It turns out he was getting really intimate with the rock-climbing world (not in a weird way).
He had a personal interest in rock climbing and decided to start attending various gyms and rock climbing events.
He quickly became “the hand therapist for rock climbers,” and before you knew it, he had more patients than he knew what to do with.
He didn’t have to compete for patients because he was the only one seeing those types of patients.

Clearly… I was looking at marketing all wrong. I thought marketing was about getting as much attention as possible.
I was wrong.
It’s about getting the right message in front of the right person (like hand therapy for rock climbers).
Not long after this event, I started attending more arthritis-related events and conferences.
I started positioning myself as “the hand therapist for arthritis” and as a result… more arthritis patients started walking through the door.
Here’s the lesson in all of this.
Targeted marketing will always outperform a scattered approach.
- Define your ideal customer.
- Go where they are going.
- Provide a solution to their problem.
Marketing should never be about getting attention for attention’s sake. It should be about getting the RIGHT message in front of the RIGHT person.

Take home point…
You don’t need to be the BEST when you’re the ONLY.
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