“Marketing Tips for Healthcare, Fitness and Wellness Brands”
Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 6 seconds.
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Marketing is like fishing.
Before you post that next piece of content.
Answer this fundamental question.
“Who’s it for?”
I just returned from a 5-day fishing trip on the border of Minnesota and Canada. But before we left, I took a moment to look over my tackle.
Fishing isn’t as simple as casting a lure and catching a fish. Sure, sometimes that happens, but it’s rarely the fish you want, so you end up throwing it back.
You have to know what kind of fish you want to catch and the lure that is most attractive to them.
Marketing works the same way.
The WHO is foundational to a successful marketing campaign.
The more time you spend upfront clarifying exactly what kind of fish you want to catch, the easier it will be to catch that fish when you hit the water.
Define your WHO before your HOW.
Step one to marketing is defining your WHO.
Step two is figuring out your HOW. 👇
Part of the fun of fishing is figuring out what works.
It turns out that this trip, it was spinners. Almost every big fish that we caught was on a spinner.
I never would have guessed that. I only figured that out by casting a lot of lures.
Marketing works the same way.
You never TRULY know what’s going to work until you try. But the problem is… most people don’t even try. Or they get stuck on ONE lure.
Here’s my advice… in the beginning, try a lot of lures.
But once you figure out what is biting… double down.
Hell, even triple down if the fish are really biting.
I’ve never seen a marketing campaign work without this.
It’s an essential ingredient to success.
We didn’t catch any fish on day 1.
We caught a few fish on day 2.
But the real fun started on day 3.
Once we figured out the WHO (northern, walleye, and bass).
And the HOW (spinners).
The fish started flooding in.
Marketing works the same way.
It’s fun to define your ideal client (WHO).
It’s fun to create content or network (HOW).
But the real success comes from the showing up.
Especially on the days you don’t feel like it.
Don’t expect to catch a big fish if you're not putting your line in the water.
Take home point…
- Define your who.
- Experiment to determine your how.
- Keep. Showing. Up.
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