The Health Hustle: The Fundamentals Of Lead Generation
Sent by Corey Hiben
June 18, 2024

“Marketing Tips for Health Brands”
Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 55 seconds.
I talk to health entrepreneurs on the daily, and this is the most common problem I hear, “How do I get more leads?”
Here’s how.
1. Target
Define your ideal client.
It’s the only way to cut through the noise.
When I started creating content, I talked about everything: weight training, fasting, website design, or whatever topic interested me that week.
It made creating content easy for me, but it confused the hell out of everyone else.
After enough people messaged me asking, “What do you even do?” I realized I was completely missing the boat. I wasn’t being clear on WHO I wanted to help.
Now I know. I help health brands with their websites and marketing. Once I knew that… content became a lot more effective. People knew what they could come to me for (and what they shouldn’t come to me for).
Answer these 3 questions to get clear on your WHO.
- Who do you LIKE working with?
- Who gets the BEST results?
- Who PAYS you the best?
This 👆 is your ideal client.
Now talk to them.

2. Engage
Here is the best way to get clients to engage with you.
Crawl into bed with them.
One of my favorite entrepreneurs is Darren Hardy. In his book The Entrepreneur Rollercoaster, he discusses the number one quality of the most effective sales and marketing messages.
Here’s what most people think it is:
- Passion
- Enthusiasm
- Conviction
- Urgency
- Desire
All wrong… it’s empathy.
If you want your content to connect with people on a gut level and grab their hearts in a way that moves them into action, you have to communicate with them deeper than anyone has before.
And you do this… by crawling into bed with them and imagining what they are thinking and feeling.
- What are they worried about?
- Who are they worried about?
- What do they fear?
- Who do they fear?
- What do they hope for?
- Who do they hope to impress?
- What are their desires, ambitions, and goals?
- What do they think they need help with?
Answering these questions will help you create content that is rich with empathy.
With it, you’ll be speaking right to their hearts.

3. Convert
You’ll NEVER get what you don’t ask for.
Yet, that’s what most people do… hope.
I’m from Minnesota, which means I can be passive-aggressive as hell. I’ll never overtly tell you how I feel, but you better believe I’ll beat around the bush about 16 times in hopes that you get the message.
This used to be the bane of my existence in marketing. I would post all sorts of content about what I was up to and who I was hanging out with, but I would never actually tell you that I was building websites for these people.
Until a friend called me out.
She’s also in the marketing world, and in the most overt manner possible, she told me, “Why aren’t you putting links to your website and telling people what you do?”
My response… “Uhh… I guess I don’t know… I’m hoping people will just figure it out?”
Looking back at it, that was dumb.
People are already swamped with information overload. If you don’t tell them EXACTLY what you do and how you can help them solve their problem. You will be exactly where I was for a long time… hoping people would figure it out (they won’t).
Don’t be like your friends in the Midwest (passive-aggressive) or your friends on the East Coast (overly blunt); be somewhere in the middle.
Like a Texan, maybe? 🤠
Give value, but be sure to occasionally ask for what you want.
Marketing isn't mind reading. It’s clear communication.

Take home point…
- Define your ideal client.
- Speak to their hearts.
- Ask for what you want.
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