Want More Clients? These 3 Tips Will Get You There
Sent by Corey Hiben
December 17, 2024

“Marketing Tips for Health Brands”
Estimated read time: 1 minute & 58 seconds.
This past week, I interviewed three health-related entrepreneurs who are crushing it.
I asked all three “What’s your best marketing advice?”
Here’s what they said.
1. Hold On
If your marketing is an afterthought, or worse yet, neglected altogether… you’re making a HUGE mistake.
Better marketing = more customers = the lifeblood of a business.
Delfin owns Generator Athlete Lab, and when I asked him what his best marketing advice is, he said, “Marketing is too important to be left alone to the marketing department.”
In other words, never completely lose sight of your marketing efforts.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for delegating. Feel free to hand off all the tasks that are mindless and repeatable.
But when it comes to the creative side of your marketing… don’t let go.
Your business needs you.

2. Show Up
If you're hiding behind your computer screen, hoping clients will magically find you… you’re making a BIG mistake.
More relationships = more customers = more business.
Tania owns Your Nurse Friend, and when I asked her what her best marketing advice is, she said, “Show up.”
In other words, be an active member of your community.
I love the convenience and leverage of social media as much as the next person. But when things are easy, that also means everyone is doing it.
This means there is a MASSIVE opportunity to be among the few willing to do the hard work of meeting people in the real world.
Shake hands, kiss babies, attend events, and meet new people.
When everyone zigs… zag.

3. Collaborate
If you see other businesses in your industry as competitors… you’re making a MASSIVE mistake.
Collaborations = referrals = more business.
Casey owns West End Chiropractic, and when I asked him what his best marketing advice is, he said, “Personal connections. Get out there. Meet other people that can refer you clientele in your space.”
In other words, referral partners.
I’m pretty damn good at what I do… but I’m sure as hell not great at everything. This means I’d be an idiot not to tap into the skills and resources of the people who can pick up my slack.
This is undoubtedly true for your business as well.
There are dozens… hell, maybe even hundreds of other businesses around you (or online) that are dying to refer you customers… You just need to give them a reason to do so.
Reach out, make the connection, and see where it might take you.

Take home point…
- Be Present.
- Be Visible.
- Be Collaborative.
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