Why Your Website Isn't Attracting (or Converting) Leads
Sent by Corey Hiben
August 6, 2024

“Marketing Tips for Health Brands”
Estimated read time: 2 minutes & 40 seconds.
Digital marketing is like a three-legged stool.
Without all three, the whole thing falls apart.
Don’t be left sitting on the floor.
1. Traffic
Imagine opening a clinic in the middle of the woods, with no roads to get there—just an “open” sign hanging in the window.
Now imagine being upset that nobody visits your clinic… insane, right?
Of course, they won’t visit your clinic; they cannot get there.
Well… that’s what most people do with their website. I know because I’ve worked with many of these types of clients. They think the website is the issue when, in reality, they don't have enough traffic going to it.
Luckily, there are many ways to drive traffic to your website. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Blogging
- Social media
- YouTube videos
- Google Business Profile
- Backlinks
The key to picking the best road to your website is to answer a straightforward question. “Where would my ideal customer be looking for my services?”
The answer to that question is the first road you should start building.
With a road to drive traffic… don’t expect anyone to come-uh-knocking.

2. Trust
Have you ever wondered why a CEO wears a suit?
Or a police officer wears a uniform?
Or a doctor wears scrubs?
Functional…? Maybe. But it’s because it builds trust.
My friend recently hooked me up with an IV drip of some healthy vitamins. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a big fan of needles.
I’ll be honest. Seeing that she was wearing scrubs when I showed up helped put me at ease. It was a sign that she knew what she was doing with this sharp device she was about to jam into my arm.
The exact same thing is true for your website. People want to know they can trust you.
Here are some simple trust builders:
- Google reviews
- Video testimonials
- Your face or a video of you
- Certifications or badges
- An emotional backstory
People need to know, like, and trust you before they will EVER work with you. Give them what they need… peace of mind.

3. Conversions
If your website doesn’t convert traffic into leads. Then all you have is an expensive business card… and I hate business cards.
Traffic and trust are hard enough. Why make it even harder on yourself by not having a good way to convert that traffic?
One of my onboarding questions for new clients is, “Do you have a lead magnet?” If they don't, we usually discuss it. Without one… it can be quite challenging to convert a website visitor into an actual lead.
There are many lead magnet options (e-books, courses, guides, etc.), but my favorite is a quiz. People absolutely love to self-discover, and a quiz makes that easy.
Here is a free tool you can use to make your own quiz.
I’m not saying you need a lead magnet (although it does help), but you need some way to convert traffic.
- Clear call-to-action buttons.
- A mobile-friendly website.
- Click links that all work.
- Free resources.
Just make sure the action you want someone to take on your website is clear and obvious.

Take home point…
- Traffic gets people to your website.
- Trust builders lubricate that traffic.
- Call-to-action buttons convert that traffic.
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