055 - Don't get addicted to crack with Chase Davidson of Action Potential Rehab

Giving value without expectations

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Episode Description

Chase Davidson of Action Potential Rehab is all about giving with no expectations.

In This Episode:

02:17 - Why Chase decided to be a chiropractor

06:50 - The chiro divide

09:10 - The patient mill

13:50 - Don't get addicted to crack

17:00 - Breaking free from the corporate world

21:20 - Add value with no expectation

23:00 - Being the immediate solution

25:30 - Staying top of mind

29:30 - Abundance mindset

32:20 - His most expensive business mistake

34:20 - Swinging the success pendulum

37:40 - The best part about entrepreneurship

41:30 - Why he moved to Austin

46:00 - Prioritize relationships

Action Potential Rehab Website



Dr. John Bergman

Corey Hiben, your podcast host

I'm Corey Hiben, your podcast host

I'm a healthcare professional turned entrepreneur on a mission to help as many people as possible to build a business that fits their lifestyle.

As somebody who has gone through the struggles of working as both a personal trainer & a healthcare professional I know the challenges of getting clients and building a sustainable business.

Now I spend my days helping health brands with their marketing challenges.

I definitely don't have all of the answers but I'm willing to bet that one of my guests do.

Enjoy the show.

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