194 - Healthcare Branding That Works

The future of healthcare branding.

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Episode Description

In this special episode of the Health Business Builder Show, we welcome Corey Hiben, a healthcare marketing expert, who shares his journey from working as an occupational therapist to founding a marketing agency.

Corey and the host dive deep into the essence of branding, its significance in the healthcare industry, and the role of authenticity in today's digital landscape. Corey explains how he discovered the importance of branding, the concept of the 'messy middle,' and the niche hourglass strategy.

They also discuss practical advice for early-stage businesses, the value of personal touchpoints despite AI advancements, and the importance of consistency in messaging.

Tune in for an enlightening discussion on how to scale your healthcare business effectively through robust branding principles.

00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview

00:33 Guest Introduction: Corey Hiben

01:08 Corey's Journey into Healthcare Branding

02:34 Understanding the Importance of Branding

04:31 Defining Branding and Its Impact

07:44 The Role of Consistency in Branding

16:11 Branding in the Healthcare Industry

18:38 The Messy Middle and Authenticity

23:51 Challenges and Solutions in Healthcare Marketing

30:12 The Niche Hourglass Concept

32:09 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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Corey Hiben, your podcast host

I'm Corey Hiben, your podcast host

I'm a healthcare professional turned entrepreneur on a mission to help as many people as possible to build a business that fits their lifestyle.

As somebody who has gone through the struggles of working as both a personal trainer & a healthcare professional I know the challenges of getting clients and building a sustainable business.

Now I spend my days helping health brands with their marketing challenges.

I definitely don't have all of the answers but I'm willing to bet that one of my guests do.

Enjoy the show.

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