036 - Shortcuts to a cashed based physical therapy practice with Aaron LeBauer of CashPT Lunch Hour
Building a cash-based physical therapy practice from scratch.
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EP 36
Listen to 036 - Shortcuts to a cashed based physical therapy practice with Aaron LeBauer of CashPT Lunch Hour

035 - Building a functional medicine practice with Katie Garrott of Wise Wellness
Filling a functional medicine practice in 3 months.
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EP 35
Listen to 035 - Building a functional medicine practice with Katie Garrott of Wise Wellness

034 - How healthcare failed Kaitlin Haider of Fit Physical Therapy
How to scale a physical therapy practice without becoming overwhelmed.
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EP 34
Listen to 034 - How healthcare failed Kaitlin Haider of Fit Physical Therapy

033 - The value of relationships with Matt Hirn of Thrive HQ Physical Therapy
Building a thriving physical therapy practice with relationships.
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EP 33
Listen to 033 - The value of relationships with Matt Hirn of Thrive HQ Physical Therapy

032 - How Public Speaking Can Help Grow Your Fitness Business with John Godoy
Personal trainer turned professional speaker.
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EP 32
Listen to 032 - How Public Speaking Can Help Grow Your Fitness Business with John Godoy

031 - Embracing the suck, reciprocity, & follow your passion
Share what you are passionate about and let other people join you for the
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EP 31
Listen to 031 - Embracing the suck, reciprocity, & follow your passion